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Early Reading

At St William of Perth we placed a very high importance on developing children's early reading skills. We do this by providing focused daily small group work which allows our children to develop confidence while having a high level of structured adult support. In our school we use the Read Write Inc phonic scheme developed by Ruth Miskin to provide a consistent whole school approach to the teaching of reading, writing and spelling.This programme provides a systematic approach to teaching the sounds that we use to read and write words in English, as well as providing pupils with the skills to read and write words that can’t be broken into phonic sounds (words like ‘said’ and ‘they’). If you click on the Read, Write Inc logo below you can access a wealth of resources to support your child's reading at home.

Speed sounds chart

Year Group Reading Lists

We have also devised suggested reading lists to support your child's home reading. Click on the links below to access the suggested reading list for each Year group.

Year 1 and 2 Reading List

Year 3 Reading List

Year 4 Reading List

Year 5 Reading List

Year 6 Reading List

Books with Hooks Reading List  

English in Key Stage Two

In key stage two, children's Literacy lessons are mainly delivered using the  Power of Reading scheme which uses whole texts as the basis of all taught sessions. Through these texts, children will develop not only their reading and comprehension skills but also extended, creative writing and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling skills.

All books used are high quality, CLPE assured texts and promote a deep and life long love of reading and learning.