The Curriculum
At St. William of Perth, all our teaching is rooted in the Gospel Values as revealed to us by Jesus Christ. We aim to support, extend and clarify the experience of Faith given to our children by their families and the Parish. The school works closely with the Parish and welcomes visits by our Parish Priest, Father Neil – who is wholly involved in the spiritual and administrative life of the school. Religious Education is not taught as a discrete subject but permeates all areas of the curriculum and of school life.
The children follow the "The Way, the Truth and the Life” scheme recommended by the Diocese. It is incorporated into the School's own programme of study which helps the children to develop and express their Faith by meeting God and growing into a personal relationship with Him.
Each child has the opportunity to participate in Masses and Assemblies, to celebrate Holydays and Special Feast Days, to learn and understand prayers and hymns, to know and understand the Sacraments and to hear Bible stories. Each child receives a copy of ‘The Wednesday Word’ to share with parents in preparation for the Sunday Gospel.
Outlined below are curriculum maps showing the topics covered in each year group.
RE Newsletters
Keep up to date with our RE curriculum by downloading the latest RE newsletter. Click on the links below to find out what you child is learning this term and how you can support them.
Prayer is at the centre of the life of our school. Every classroom has a focal area for reflection.
You can download the prayers here and practise at home!
You can also download our prayer booklet which contains all the prayers that the children will pray during their time at St William of Perth.
At St William of Perth worship is central to the spiritual development of our community. We seek to actively engage our children through liturgies and to achieve this we have produced a guide to the new translation of the Mass which we hope will be useful in supporting your child’s understanding of Holy Mass. A copy of this Mass guide can be downloaded below.
As well as liturgies we also hold class assemblies which help deepen the children's spiritual understanding while celebrating the talents that God has given them. These assemblies explore a diverse range of themes including some from "The way, the truth and the light" syllabus, bible stories, the lives of saints and important liturgical celebrations. Parents are invited to attend these assemblies.
Liturgical seasons
Developing the children's understanding of liturgical seasons and celebrations is one of our core aims. Below is a diagram explaining the colours of each season.
Vision for Catholic Education - Archdiocese of Southwark
As a Catholic community the Diocese of Southwark created our schools and colleges and continues to sustain them. This document states the Diocesan vision for them and affirms their place in the life of the Diocese. The Diocesan Vision document outlines plans for the future of Catholic schools