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On this page you will find information about Admissions.

In Year Admissions

You can apply to move school part way through the school year. This is called a casual in-year admission.

It can be for a child who:

is new to Medway and needs to attend a Medway school

is being educated at home and now needs a Medway school place

currently goes to a Medway school or academy and wants to move to a different school or academy in Medway

In-year admissions are for entry to any year group between reception and year 11 during the school year and outside of the normal transfer process for reception, year 3 (junior schools only) and year 7.

You can apply up to six weeks before needing the school place. If you are applying for an in-year admission for a September start, you can apply from the June. For example, if you would like your child to start in September 2024, you can apply from June 2024.

Parents need to submit the in year application form directly to our school along with a Supplementary Application form which can be found at the bottom of this webpage.

Parents will be notified of the application outcome within 15 school days.

Parents have a right of appeal and the appeal form needs to be sent to our admissions email page. Please see below.

Appeal form


If you would like any information on how to enrol your child at St William of Perth Roman Catholic Primary school please click on the links below.  

Admissions Policy 2024 - 2025

Admissions Policy 2025 - 2026

St William of Perth Application Form

Casual In Year Admission Form