E-safety Key Stage Two
The 7 P's
Our Year 6 pupils created Podcasts all about being safe online and were entered into a National Podcast Competition.
Below are our fantastic entries that explain the importance of being safe online.
Don't forget the 7Ps
- Passwords
- Profile
- Personal information
- Posts
- Phishing
- Protect
- Parents/carers
Think then Click
These rules help us to stay safe when we are using the internet at school and at home.
- I will always ask permission from an adult before i use the internet.
- I will use trusted sites to start my learning with the internet.
- I will think carefully about the questions I put into search engines.
- I will let an adult know if I find a site that I do not think I should have access to.
- I will only open e mails from people I know, if I am not sure, I will always as an adult.
- I will only write polite and friendly e mails to my friends, teachers and parents.
- I will not put my personal information or my passwords on line.
- I will not arrange out of school activities over the internet unless it is with people I know from school.
- I understand that if I do not behave sensibly on the internet or computer that I will not be allowed to use it for a while.
We explain these rules to the children by using SMART rules posters from childnet. SMART posters are displayed in every classroom near computers.
At St William of Perth, all pupils of all ages have access to computers that can access the internet as an essential part of their learning. Both pupils and parents are asked to sign below to say that the e safety rules have been understood, discussed and agreed. As part of the curriculum, work may occasionally be published on password protected sites such as the school website; however, full names will not be published. If you are concerned about this or would like to know more about safeguarding your child on the internet, please make an appointment to see our Internet Safety Co-ordinator.
Links for Parents/Carers and Young People:
If you would like further guidance on how to encourage your child to develop safe practices when using digital technology click on the links below to download further information or visit the following websites.
Supporting Young People Online Childnet
SMART Rules for safer internet use
E-Safety Parents Guide Kent County Council
Internet Safety Day Parent Workshop
Many thanks to those parents that attended our e-safety workshop as part of our Internet Safety Day in Term 5. If you were unable to attend then you can access the presentation here. Here are also the resources that were available on the day along with a few additional resources:
Supporting Young People Online
Social Networking Guide
Facebook Guide
Musical.ly Guide
Instagram Guide
Snapchat Guide
YouTube Guide
Roblox Guide
Fortnite Guide