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Below is a list of some of the fundraising initiatives the PTA use to raise money for SWOP. If you have any fundraising ideas please contact us via the school office.

Corporate Fundraising Matching

Please check with your employer to see if they run a Corporate Fundraising Matching scheme. This means they will match whatever money you raise for our registered charity, usually up to a maximum value.

Some events we host

Blue Bag Collection

Twice a year we collect good quality clothes, accessories and soft toys in blue bags to be sold overseas. We are paid 60 pence per kilo for the donations and this always raises More than £100

Christmas Craft Stall

When there is a Christmas Bazaar we have held a Christmas Crafting Stall to entertain the children. Although we don’t raise much money, the children loved all the crafts and being able to take something they have made home!

Pantomime Tuck Shop

We support the school each year by providing a tuck shop and people to sell tickets on the day

Children’s Disco

A Highlight of the year, the children love the infant and junior discos

Mother’s and Father’s Day Shops

For the past four years we have run these shops so that the children can surprise their parents on their special days. All the items are £2 or less and giftwrapped.

Summer Fun Day

This is our main fundraising event of the year. All of the school and community get involved. There are stalls, displays, games and lots to eat!

Seasonal Raffles

With some amazing prizes.