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Adverse Weather Policy

Please be assured that we will open the school if at all possible.

1. A notice will be placed on the school website by 7.30am. So please keep an eye on the front page of the website. This should be your first port of call.

2. We will send a Parentmail.

3. We will contact Heart FM who will list on their website, schools that they know to be closed.

4. There will be a notification on the Medway Council website under school closures.

Please do not presume that if the Maths School and Rochester Grammar are open that St. William of Perth will be open. The needs of a 5 year old child in terms of staffing and welfare are not the same as a teenage child and a higher staff ratio is required.

How do we make a decision as to whether the school can open? –

I was asked a couple of years ago when we last had bad weather how we make a decision on whether the school should close in severe weather. Essentially I don’t make the decision by myself. I consult headteachers of other local schools, seek guidance from the local authority and agreement of the Chair of Governors.

The following are examples of the types of issues that are taken into account when undertaking a risk assessment before deciding whether to open or close

  • Is it possible to provide adequate staffing cover for all or some of the pupils? Are sufficient numbers of staff able to get in to school safely?

  • Will sufficient first aiders be on site? Will first aid cover be available?

  • Will there be adequate supervision of children at lunchtime and break times? Will there be sufficient support staff available in class to assist with children with special needs etc. and the particular demands of pupils with medical needs or disabilities?

  • Will there be health and safety issues, e.g. insufficient heating, frozen pipes, iced pavements.

  • Are the surrounding roads safe for travel? Would emergency vehicles be able to attend the school to assist a child or staff member if needed.